It’s all RIGGED: Will the released DNC Leaks be enough to make America reform?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

While many have speculated that Hillary Clinton has benefited heavily from a corrupt system that is anything but democratic, new evidence from the Democratic National Committee email leaks proves that this is without a doubt the case. They’ve been colluding to ensure that Hillary Clinton was their party’s nominee from the very beginning. Bernie Sanders — who was championed by entire generations of voters — received a raw deal from the party who had chosen Crooked Hillary as their golden ticket. He was never taken seriously by them.

After essentially being forced to step down after the email leaks, former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was immediately hired by the Hillary campaign. Her emails revealed a clear bias towards Hillary as she colluded against Sanders, so it’s no surprise that Clinton returned the favor in disgusting fashion. It’s pretty common knowledge that all of these people are working together behind the scenes, but that doesn’t make it any less gross when these deceptions are revealed.

Having seen these emails, having been exposed to the truth, how can Americans — both politicians and everyday citizens — even think about supporting Hillary Clinton, or the Democratic Party in general? They’re clearly corrupt and have shown that they’re willing to throw the American people under the bus if it means collecting a fatter paycheck for themselves. Are these really the kinds of people we want running our country?

Many have argued and will continue to argue that the system is so corrupt that there’s no fixing it. No matter how badly the American people want to reform the government, it seems as though the feds are so powerful that there’s nothing we can do to stop it. The ignorance of the average American certainly doesn’t help matters — but perhaps seeing this kind of corruption up close will inspire people to stand up against this insanity.

We could be on the verge of a full-blown revolution in America. People are growing tired of feeling like pawns in a political chess match — and thanks to the transparency of the internet, this has become more and more visible. If we want to reform our country’s politics, now is the time to take a stand.

