Every day another tragedy: 5 bloody terrorist attacks occur in Germany in under two weeks

Germany refugees

It’s getting harder and harder to deny the fact that there’s a serious problem in the world today. It seems as though we can’t go an entire day without another horrific terrorist attack occurring somewhere in the world. We’re reaching a point where these events are occurring so frequently that we’ve become increasingly desensitized to them.

Political correctness be damned, we can no longer ignore the fact that a common thread in these attacks in a connection to radical Islam. By pretending there isn’t a serious problem with this ideology isn’t helping anything. In fact, one could argue that we’re allowing it to grow stronger and stronger by not addressing the issue head-on. Take Germany for instance, where five separate terrorist attacks occurred over the course of two weeks. That’s nearly one every other day…

It all began on July 14, when a 17-year-old Afghan refugee wielding an ax and a knife wounded four people on a train before being shot and killed by police officers.

On July 18, a 27-year-old Syrian refugee in Ansbach blew himself up at a music festival, injuring 15 innocent people.

Then on July 22, a mentally disturbed 18-year-old — who held a dual German and Iranian citizenship — shot and killed nine people in Munich before killing himself.

Most recently, on July 24, a 21-year-old Syrian refugee killed a pregnant woman with a machete in Reutlingen.

The recent attacks haven’t been exclusive to Germany, though. On July 14, the terrorist attack in Nice, France — where dozens were murdered by a man driving a large truck — occurred. The perpetrator in that attack had ties to radical Islam as well. Surprise, surprise…

Where does the madness end? At what point do we stand up and renounce this ideology that is indisputably responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people? Political correctness is literally costing people their lives now. Why are we so afraid to reject this?

It’s time to get serious about this. It is no longer a matter of debate. The evidence is abundantly clear — those who fall into the radical Islamic ideology are evil, violent, psychopaths who want to murder innocent people. That’s just the truth. The sooner we accept it, the sooner we can fix it.







