Women at the DNC now have to use the all-gender restroom


There isn’t a single group in the history of the world who has pandered more incessantly than liberals in 2016. It seems as though they have virtually zero shame as they hunt for support from every available resource. Of course, any logical person has the ability to see through these insincere attempts to gain votes, but that doesn’t stop the liberals from continuing to pander. As of late, it’s gotten even worse than ever before.

At the 2016 Democratic National Convention, an all-gender restroom has been stationed directly across from the press booth in a clear attempt to pander to the mindless liberal media. The bathroom is clearly just a repurposed women’s restroom with individual stalls, but that doesn’t stop the silly democrats from pretending that they’re full-fledged revolutionaries because they decided to slap a sign in front of an area where people go to relieve themselves. How groundbreaking…

Even more hilariously — in an attempt to be completely inclusive of all walks of life — there’s even a gluten-free zone in the arena. How this is even remotely necessary is a difficult thing to grasp, but that hasn’t prevented the DNC from pandering to those effected by gluten sensitivity — roughly 1% of the population. How many of that 1% could possibly be attending the Democratic National Convention? It seems less like an attempt to accommodate those with an actual problem and more like an attempt to appear more inclusive.

Unfortunately for them, many of us see through their gross schemes and false sense of moral superiority. We recognize that it’s all a scam. Now is the time to wake up the rest of the world.

Don’t buy into the false narrative that the Democratic Party is somehow tolerant or accepting of all walks of life. These people don’t care about you. They care about pushing the agendas that help line their pockets with more cash all the while pretending to hate capitalism.




