Ask a prepper: What goes into an everyday carry kit?

prepper gear

Thanks to sensationalism, many people tend to associate preppers with awkward weirdos who are afraid to leave their homes.

In reality, the average prepper is a relatively normal, balanced person who hopes for the best while being fully prepared for the worst. You probably come in contact with multiple preppers every week without even realizing it. Though mainstream media outlets often pretend that anyone preparing for a societal collapse is insane, most of them are completely logical. They don’t have underground bunkers, but they often do carry “everyday gear” to keep them prepared.

An everyday prepper kit is filled with the absolute essentials — things that you can carry on your person at all times without the use of a backpack. In an doomsday situation, you may not have time to get to your gear, so it’s important to carry these tools of survival on your body.

So what should your everyday carry gear consist of?

For starters, wear a tactical watch with a built-in compass. Though many consider watches to be archaic in the age of cellphones, during a survival setting, having a working watch on hand is of vital importance. Your phone may not work, but watches are consistently reliable.

A small flashlight is an extremely handy tool to have as well, and thanks to modern technological advancements, there are many flashlights that are small, compact and extremely bright. You can carry a dependable flashlight in your pocket, as opposed to having to lug around a massive metallic one.

If you have a concealed carry permit — and you should — carrying a concealable handgun is a smart choice. Unfortunately, there are many scenarios that don’t allow for you to carry a handgun on you at all times. But if that is a possibility in your everyday life, it’s always a wise decision to exercise your right to bear arms.

If a gun is an issue, then a small knife is even more necessary. Used for both self-defense purposes as well as for crafting tools, knives are one of the most important things you can have in a survival setting. Many preppers enjoy keeping things like paperclips, lighters and bobby pins in their pockets as well.

You can always carry more — depending on what kind of attire you wear in your everyday life — but these are the absolute necessities.

