Is it time to call for the arrest of CNN propaganda producers for their full scale attack on democracy?

Anderson Cooper CNN

Sometimes the First Amendment goes too far and allows the “wrong” kind of speech — or at least, that’s what the political Left in America wants you to believe. Whether on a college campus or a rally for GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, the Left is always screaming for “limits” on certain kinds of speech – that is, speech that the purveyors of Left-wing political correctness have deemed “offensive.”

Maybe it’s time for Americans who are sick of being bullied into silence to turn the tables on these intolerant speech cops. Maybe it’s time to demand that the media be held liable not for reporting but for being little more than a propaganda machine for the Democratic Party.

Of course we’re not actually calling for limits on the First Amendment; the Left does that. But holding the media’s feet to the fire is certainly something more Americans ought to do. And in fact, millions are already fighting back.

Case in point: CNN, a supposedly “unbiased” news network which is going full-out for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. At a recent Trump campaign event in Kissimmee, Florida, CNN producer Noah Gray was confronted by Trump supporters angry about the network’s bias against their candidate. One older gentleman who would only say “I’m a Patriot” when asked his name, flipped Gray the bird, calling him a “traitor” to the country.

But is it fair to say that CNN really is in the tank for Clinton? Sure it is – especially when one of the network’s own hosts admits it.

As reported by BizPac Review, Chris Cuomo – the guy who called Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort a liar and stayed on-air for 32 minutes without a commercial break to debate a ridiculous liberal interpretation of Trump’s recent Second Amendment statement – and another hostess discussed Clinton’s possible entrance into the race in 2014.

“It’s a problem because she’s doing what they call in politics ‘freezing pockets,’ because the donors are giving her money thinking she’s going to run, that means they’re not going to have available money for other candidates if she doesn’t.” Cuomo said. “And I don’t think she’s going to give it to them. We couldn’t help her any more than we have, she’s got just a free ride so far from the media, we’re the biggest ones promoting her campaign, so it had better happen.”

It doesn’t get any clearer than that. “The media” – meaning the legacy media combined with the bulk of Left-wing new media – are completely dedicated to ensuring another Clinton presidency.

That’s not “journalism,” that is activism disguised as journalism, meaning it’s propaganda.

But is it criminal? Some on the Left think so. Consider what leftist attorneys general from a handful of blue states want to do to oil companies who they say are “climate change deniers” – they want to bring criminal charges against them, in an effort to shut them up (because the Left cannot prove – and will never be able to prove – that fossil fuels are causing global warming/climate change). And, of course, they are aided and abetted by the very same media that is all for Hillary Clinton.

Wait – maybe it is time to arrest the propagandist “news” media.

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