Newest poll from Texas: 3 out of 5 support state secession if Hillary elected

Hillary Clinton

For the most part, Texans have been on the #NeverHillary train since its inception. There’s just something about the freedom-loving nature of Texas that completely clashes with Hillary’s big government ideology.

For years, the Texas Nationalist Movement has been urging for the state to secede from the United States of America. Should Hillary win, polls show that a majority of Texans who are currently supporting Republican nominee Donald Trump will jump on board with that idea.

New poll results released by Public Policy Polling show that three out of five Trump-supporting Texas residents (a stunning 60%) would be in favor of secession if Hillary is elected this November. They simply don’t feel safe with her in charge of our country — and for good reason.

Hillary has proven during her time in office that she’s a legitimate problem. From completely mishandling the private email server situation to letting American soldiers die in Benghazi to the whole fiasco with the Democratic National Committee, Clinton is the last person you want as the leader of the Free World. She’s truly awful.

It says something about Hillary that she is so terrible that entire states will want to leave the country if she is elected. We’re not talking about a few dozen extremists here, we’re talking about hundreds of thousands of people. She is so untrustworthy and incompetent that millions of people across the United States don’t want her to be elected. That’s quite a statement.

Perhaps the saddest thing about all of this is that, to many, Texas represents everything that we love about America. Tough people, hard work, and individual liberties are a part of the religion down in the Lone Star State. For our nation to fall so far from grace that Texans want to leave for good is deeply upsetting — but it’s also understandable.

So where do you stand? Would you support secession if Hillary becomes the President of the United States?

