Former FBI Chief claims most terror attacks are committed by our CIA & FBI


Millions of Americans were awakened to the travesty of 9/11 on the day that it occurred, or at least in the months and years that followed.

For some, it was the first realization of the ruthless and extensive covert planning, preparation, propaganda and myth-making necessary to pull off a false flag event, when a government attacks its own people as the means to an end. This strategic use of terror, death and mayhem to commandeer a nation’s populous into whatever direction deemed prudent by the sociopaths in power is not a recent technique … and it’s an option that has been utilized to steer history time and time again, as this article from Global Research attests.

Nazi military leader Herman Goering, who committed suicide before his appointed hanging after the Nuremburg trials, understood the false flag mechanism clearly, as his quote, courtesy of, proclaims: “People can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

The ability to discern and dig out the truth behind false flag events has become exponentially easier since the inception of the internet. Conversely, so has the tracking of every word we write, every purchase we make and every place we trek. But before this web of information — and disinformation — was created, it was incumbent upon truth-tellers to have access to details in more traditional ways: Investigative journalism articles, historical documents and books, insiders sharing leaks and one-on-one interviews.

The late Ted Gunderson learned the ropes of high-profile investigations and had some access to the files and secret dealings of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in his 27-year career.

Gunderson retired in Los Angeles as the FBI Senior Special Deputy in Charge with the responsibility of leading 700 people and a budget of $21 million. After leaving the FBI, Gunderson became a private investigator and worked on cases where his eyes were open to the underbelly of deception.

These are described by, as “false flag terrorism, satanic ritual abuse, and mind control.” Gunderson shared his take on the intimate involvement of the FBI and CIA false flag operations in this 2009 interview, featured on Talk Network, with his journalist friend, activist and filmmaker, Anthony J. Hilder.

Ted Gunderson is remembered as a truth-teller’s truth-teller. His life was shaped by his desire to protect the innocent and work for justice on their behalf. While there are detractors and defamers online, you don’t have to dig too deeply to discover his prescient awakening to the mechanics of the dark side in operation today. We can see the results of his findings with our own eyes.

If you’re a truth-teller in this day and age, keeping healthy and strong is of vital importance. Drinking clean water, eating good food, adding detoxification elements like organic chlorella, as well as getting up and away from your person technological gadgets is essential.

Ted Gunderson never gave up. Neither should we.

