State Department refuses to release Clinton calendars until after the election


The State Department is actively complicit in Hillary Clinton’s crimes, having engaged in a cover-up. Last week we learned that the government told a federal judge it will not provide detailed schedules of Clinton’s activities while secretary of state until after the election. Lawyers told the Associated Press they expect to release 2,700 pages on December 30, a few weeks before Clinton is inaugurated if she wins the election.

Elizabeth Trudeau, a State Department spokeswoman, refused to comment on the decision. She said the government has received thousands of public records requests and is buried under an avalanche of paperwork. The department routinely ignored requests for the schedules prior to a federal judge stepping in.

Clinton has been far less than forthright in turning over documents. The FBI says it has found nearly 15,000 documents the former secretary of state failed to turn over to the State Department. “It’s not yet clear what’s in those emails, like how many are personal and how any are work-related and must be made public,” writes David A. Graham for The Atlantic.

Moreover, despite the fact at least 50 senior officials knew about Clinton’s email scandal, the agency insisted it could not find any records about her secret home server. The State Department also allegedly cut staff, slowing down the process of making the records public.

Critics claim the department has a cache of documents it will likely never release.

AP requested the calendars in 2010 and 2013. Failing an adequate response, the news agency sued in federal court to obtain the schedules and received around half the documents under court order.

According to the AP, more than half of the people who spoke to Clinton by phone gave money to the Clinton Foundation. Because many of the documents are redacted, it is not possible to tell what individuals dealt with Clinton and her staff.

Clinton responded by saying she met with people regardless if they gave money to the foundation or not. “These are people I would be proud to meet with, as any secretary of state would have been proud to meet with, to hear about their work and their insights,” Clinton told CNN.

Clinton also went into damage control mode. She promised to institute safeguards to prevent conflicts of interest with the foundation if she is elected.

The Donald Trump campaign called foul. “It is unacceptable that the State Department is now refusing to release her official schedule before the election in full. Voters deserve to know the truth before they cast their ballots,” said spokesman Jason Miller on Friday.

The whole sordid affair and the government’s response underscore the existence of massive corruption and fraud at the highest levels.

“It’s not just the corruption that shocks — it’s the flagrant, shameless display of it,” writes Ben Shapiro for the National Review. “The question, then, isn’t whether the Democrats are crooked, as Donald Trump says. They’ve been crooked since they traded the presidency. The question is why they don’t care about shedding their decency, Miley Cyrus–style, then twerking around the stage of American politics.”



Associated Press

The Atlantic

National Review