How many people have to be murdered before the MSM will stop calling Black Lives Matter a ‘peaceful protest’ group?


As most Americans are likely aware, there was another police shooting of a black suspect over the weekend, this time in Milwaukee. As in prior incidents involving police, the suspect was killed.

According to a report from NBC News, the victim, – Sylville K. Smith, 23 – was black. He had a long criminal history and he was armed with a handgun that he employed in a threatening manner, according to the officer’s body camera.

Speaking of the officer, he, too, was black, but none of these details mattered to the Blacks Lives Matter-aligned protesters who, as usual, took to the streets to loot and destroy, robbing shops and burning down businesses belonging to hard-working, taxpaying residents.

Once upon a time in America, it didn’t matter what your skin color was; if you threatened to harm or kill a cop, you faced deadly consequences. But as we have seen now time and time again, this is no longer the case: African-American suspects, no matter what they’ve done or how hard they have resisted arrest, are held to a different standard than whites.

Specifically, the mainstream media not only gives black suspects a pass regardless of what they’ve been alleged to have done, it also instinctively supports and defends them, while vilifying the police.

This tactic comes from the top, so to speak. President Obama, since his earliest days in office, has always come out on the side of African-Americans involved in dust-ups with police. Even recently, during a speech to commemorate five dead Dallas Police officers killed by a black domestic terrorist who supported Black Lives Matter (BLM), Obama claimed – again that racism is inherent in America’s police departments, without offering a shred of evidence or proof. That’s classic Obama: he says it, so it must be true.

In reality, Obama and his sycophantic protectors in the media are enablers of BLM. Once it started as a violence-inciting, anti-police organization, Obama and the mainstream media ran with those narratives, enhancing and forwarding them.

Obama, remember, has even praised BLM, and some of its activists have joined the president, at his invitation, at a forum on policing, which is ridiculous on its face.

All of this has been praised by a mainstream media that, like Obama, always finds fault with anyone other than African-Americans in every situation, especially if police are involved, no matter how violent or harsh the behavior by BLM and its activists. What they do – loot, steal, riot, burn, and destroy, and also single out whites for attacks – is always okay and justified; what police do and whites trying to protect themselves do is always racism, bigotry and “privilege.”

The National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) has reported on this media-injected bias against cops and in favor of violent BLM members. Following the murders by black killers of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, many MSM types picked up on BLM’s claim that the police shootings were essentially equivalent to the supposed wrongful deaths by police officers of black victims.

“Though evidence negates such equivalence, many journalists are insisting that we see these events through the group’s lens,” the NLPC writes.

“Rather than objectively pursue truth, they selectively use facts and manipulate language to propagate the view that blacks are being targeted for death and are justified in taking matters into their own hands.  Case in point:  Last December, as part of its annual Person of the Year issue, Time magazine praised BLM as having ‘weaponized protest,’” the organization noted.

Which begs the question: How many lives – white, black, Hispanic – of innocents have to be lost before the mainstream media calls the BLM what it is, a group using terror and intimidation to destroy stability and civil society?

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