INSANE: University grants students just two hours of free speech per week, only in designated ‘free speech zones’

free speech

For the past few years, the Regressive Left has been engaging in a scorched earth campaign in order to prevent anyone on a college campus from saying anything they may potentially disagree with.

At a time when authoritarian leftists are shoving absurd beliefs and immoral ideals down the throats of everyone they come in contact with, this is especially troubling. After all, through all of this censorship, they’re still claiming to be the open-minded and tolerant ones. In reality, they trying to suppress the voices of everyone that doesn’t immediately bow down to their beliefs.

Take Northwestern State University, for instance, where students must apply 24 to 48 hours in advance before staging a public demonstration — and the administration actually limits free speech to one two-hour period every seven days.

If and when the administration signs off on what you’re allowed to do in regards to exercising your First Amendment rights, you’re only allowed to do so for two hours every week. This is absolutely insane.

It’s an unconstitutional assault on the rights of American students. Colleges and universities should be places where dissenting opinions are welcomed with open arms. Having a peaceful debate should be an everyday occurrence on campuses across the country, but the liberal hive mind wants everyone to look, talk and think the same way.

They claim to honor diversity, yet they’re absolutely terrified of intellectual and ideological differences. These people aren’t trying to better the world or the country — they’re trying to push their own beliefs onto everyone around them, which is one of the most un-American desires imaginable.

The safe spaces and coddling need to be destroyed in a violent fashion. Americans used to be tough, persistent and hard-nosed people with thick skin and good senses of humor. Somehow we’ve become a nation of cowardly crybabies who need our hands held through every minor issue. This isn’t okay. This isn’t normal. This isn’t healthy.

If nothing changes in regards to the left’s incessant attack on freedom, we could be facing a full-fledged revolt that sends the entire country into utter chaos. Are you prepared for the inevitable? If not, you better get ready — because societal collapses don’t come with build in safe spaces, and the apocalypse won’t check your privilege for you.

