How many people has Alex Jones killed vs. Hillary Clinton?

Alex Jones

When it comes to truth in journalism and the rise of alternative media, Alex Jones of Infowars has been carrying the flag for many years now. Through exposing corruption to fighting for the rights and freedoms of American citizens, Jones has become a household name to fans of legitimate journalism.

Now, Alex Jones has made mainstream headlines once again as he has asked Hillary Clinton to stop killing people.

One of the most well-known individuals to expose the truth behind the now-infamous “Clinton body count,” Jones continues to provide evidence that Crooked Hillary, her husband and their advisors have been surrounded by an alarming number of mysterious deaths. Essentially, if you’re associated with the Clintons in any way, shape or form, you better be prepared for the worst at all times.

Since this news broke, many corrupt mainstream shills have tried to write off Jones as a lunatic and Infowars as a quack publication, because why wouldn’t they? Treating legitimate news sources as legitimate draws attention to the fact that they are the ones that keep lying.

Mike Adams, former substitute host of the Alex Jones Show, said of his time at Infowars, “I saw actual investigative journalism being pursued by intelligent reporters.” A reputable source in the subject of journalism, Adams backing up Jones and the Infowars team only helps their case.

Alternative media outlets have become the only way to know — without a shadow of a doubt — that you’re getting the full, uncensored truth when it comes to news reports. Mainstream media has become a completely mess since they’re all owned by authoritarian leftists who suppress actual news in favor of pro-Clinton propaganda.

Adams went on to say, “Every time I was at InfoWars, I was surrounded by law-abiding citizens with loaded guns and I felt completely safe. There’s no question in my mind that Hillary and Bill Clinton are the real threats to all of us, and their long list of murders and ‘suicides’ proves that no one is safe when the Clintons are in power.”

The Health Ranger is absolutely correct here. With Hillary in office, we’re all in danger. Whether or not the Clintons’ goons come after us directly is irrelevant here. They’ll find a way to destroy us all one way or another.

The Democratic Party and their globalist leaders have shown that they will stop at nothing in order to maintain their power — no matter how many lives are lost in the process. We must prevent Clinton from being elected this fall. If ever there were a time to make your voice heard at the polls — it’s now.

