Millions of dollars are being pumped into hate organizations to divide population


In case you haven’t heard, President Obama is not going to leave Washington, D.C., when his term expires in January 2017. He’s going to stick around.

Why would Obama do what no other president in modern history has done? He says he wants to stay to allow his daughters to graduate high school – even though past presidents have taken their children out of D.C. private schools when they left office. So what’s the real reason?

Obama intends to further the social chaos he has helped unleash on the country, and he will have plenty of well-financed help.

In a 2015 column for the New York Post, Hoover Institute media fellow and author Paul Sperry laid out Obama’s plan: Through a little-known but well-funded group called Organizing for Action, Obama and his fellow sycophants are training an army of “social justice bullies” to carry on his efforts to fundamentally transform the United States.

Through organizations like OFA and Black Lives Matter (BLM), the latter of which, Infowars reports, is set to receive $100 million in funding over the next six years, Obama & Co. plan to disrupt every corner of society with a cadre of thuggish drones whose only mission will be to sow hate and discontent, and all over phony issues (like system white racism and police officers killing blacks in the street).

Also, Sperry notes that Obama has trained hundreds of thousands of junior instigators via AmeriCorps, a youth program began by President Bill Clinton that Obama has expanded, and through My Brother’s Keeper, the “racial justice” movement he launched after the death in 2012 of Trayvon Martin. The Obama-founded group pushes for “school discipline reform,” which is essentially a movement to prevent students of color from being suspended or expelled despite any behavior that would justify such action by school administrators. This, ostensibly to “improve outcomes for boys and young men of color.”

In short, these Left-wing groups have put in motion a political movement that will not only further divide America, but destroy much of what our ancestors have built. Remember, these are the same groups who back rioters that burn and loot as a way of “demonstrating social injustice.” They don’t build relationships and seek change through the ballot box.

As Infowars reported further, the Ford Foundation, along with Borealis Philanthropy, have established the Black-Led Movement Fund (BLMF), aimed at raising tens of millions for BLM, which they plan on using as the spearhead of efforts to fundamentally change the country. This amount will be in addition to some $33 million given to BLM by Democrat-aligned billionaire George Soros.

Add to this the plan to bring in millions of immigrants who don’t share our values and won’t be expected to assimilate, and you’ve got the prescription for the self-inflicted death of a nation.
