Cocaine use was common in the Clinton White House

bill and hillary

It is no longer surprising to hear about scandals involving Bill Clinton. The former president of the United States has been bathed in controversy for decades now, and new information about his shady past seems to come to light far too regularly.

Whether it be the infamous sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky or the now infamous “Clinton body count,” Slick Willy has been involved in his fair share of shady business — and it’s only the tip of the iceberg, it seems.

Consider the fact that a former agent in the United States Secret Service, Gary Byrne, reported that the White House was a borderline drug den during Bill Clinton’s presidency back in the 1990s.

In his recent tell-all book Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate, Byrne writes that Bill frequently cheated on Hillary within the White House — which often led to physical altercations between the two — and that cocaine usage was rampant.

The entire administration seems to have enabled and defended this behavior, which says as much about Hillary Clinton as it does about Bill. As a result, how can our country trust the Clinton family? Scandal after scandal after scandal, they continue to prove themselves both completely untrustworthy and totally unfit to hold positions of power. They’re a dangerous bunch to have around.

If this is the kind of behavior that they participated in decades ago, who’s to say that it’s not exactly what will happen should Hillary unfortunately be elected this fall? Politicians are generally creatures of habit who never let their old habits die. If you want proof of this, look no further than Anthony Weiner.

The Clintons have betrayed the American people numerous times in the past and there’s no doubt that they will again as soon as Hillary is elected. With her as the president of the United States, the entire country will be suffering from the same ailments as the mindless, drug-addled aides working under Bill Clinton all those years ago.

If you want our nation to lose any chance it has at retribution — at becoming a land of greatness and prosperity once again — then go ahead and vote for Crooked Hillary this fall, but don’t act surprised when the country erupts into chaos. These people are not presidential. They are not leaders. They are not the kinds of people we need running our country ever, but especially not during tumultuous times like these.

We need a real, strong leader in order to reclaim the greatness that our country once achieved — and that’s not Hillary Clinton.


