Knife-wielding clowns are trying to lure people into the Carolina woods


Halloween has come early for the citizens of North Carolina and South Carolina, as creepy clowns wielding knives have been spotted attempting to lure people into the woods.

What began in South Carolina has since spread further north to the sister state of North Carolina, where residents have grown terrified after recent sightings of the terrifying clowns have left entire cities in chaos. Police officers are baffled and frustrated by these sightings, with many claiming that they’re a hoax and that there’s nothing to worry about, while other police forces don’t seem so sure.

Since there haven’t been any reported crimes (dressing up as a clown and holding a piece of silverware isn’t against the law), the whole situation is a bit murky when it comes to potential actions law enforcement officials can take. However, there’s no doubt that, if these events actually are occurring, those responsible are trying to appear threatening, which poses all sorts of issues.

It’s times like these when we, as Americans, realize just how important our Second Amendment rights truly are. It’s easy for the authoritarian leftists to say that there’s no reason to own a firearm, but when terrifying clowns begin popping up all over the region, there’s a very legitimate reason to keep a gun nearby. In the American south, there’s no doubt that many folks are keeping their guns locked and loaded in preparation for a potential attack at the hands of the circus psychos.

If there’s anything you can learn from watching horror stories like Stephen King’s It or through real-life instances like the murders of John Wayne Gacy, it’s that people who dress up like clowns can certainly have menacing intentions. Those who don’t take these situations extremely seriously often end up in a pool of their own blood. While the leftists may be more than happy to share this fate — many of us still believe in a kill or be killed system of survival.

Whether or not these sightings are anything more than rumors or an elaborate hoax have yet to be seen, but 2016 has been so unpredictable and downright weird that it’s impossible to completely discredit these reports. After all, we’re currently in the midst of an election season featuring two of the most unpopular candidates of all time — a reality television star and a career criminal.

Who is to say that the inevitable societal collapse in America won’t come at the hands of a group of knife-wielding clowns intend on destroying all of humanity? Would that genuinely be any more unbelievable than half the things that have already happened throughout 2016?

