Prepare now: Mass bombings in NYC mark major escalation of terrorist violence that will only get worse


Over the weekend a series of bombings in New York City and the surrounding area have put that city and millions of Americans around the country on edge.

The bombings came after a man in Minnesota with Islamic terrorist ties stabbed nine Americans at a mall in Minnesota. Both incidents occurred amid a heightened alert posture taken by the FBI.

Clearly federal and state authorities are gearing up for more of these incidents. As Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, pointed out over the weekend, the smart bet is that more bombings, shootings and a range of other possible incidents are very, very likely over the next 50-odd days ahead of the U.S. election. Whether those incidents will be tied to Islamic-inspired terrorism or attacks tied to Left-wing anarchists, federal intelligence and law enforcement officials obviously agree that more attacks are likely on the way.

While there may be little you can do personally to stop terrorist attacks on our soil, there is plenty you can do to prepare for the chaos that any one of these incidents could unleash. But you must hurry, as your window of opportunity to prepare is closing quickly, if Adams and others who have predicted widespread political anarchy are correct.

Some things you should do now include:

  • Purchase emergency food and stock up on water. In a societal breakdown, the food supply logistical chain will collapse in a matter of a few days. In addition to that, anarchy will lead to widespread looting and other criminal activity. The bottom line is, if you don’t have an emergency supply of food and especially water, you’re not going to survive for long. The government can only do so much to provide emergency rations and its going to be busy trying to restore order. So you’re likely to be on your own, and there is no telling how long the chaos will last. Even FEMA recommends having a 72-hour emergency kit on hand.
  • Self-defense will become your responsibility in a big way. Police, the military and other security forces will have their hands full restoring order, so you’re going to have to defend yourself. What form of self-defense you adopt is up to you, of course, but understand that those who seek to harm you will be armed with guns. You can be ideologically opposed to firearms – that’s your choice – but you cannot ignore this reality. If you decide that your survival and the survival of your family is important enough to change your viewpoint on this issue, then you need to decide what kind of firearm you wish to purchase and begin learning how to use it now. Self-defense with a firearm is not something you want to learn “on the job,” so to speak.
  • You’ll want to stockpile some extra clothing, blankets, first aid supplies and any medicines you take. Again, these are items you won’t be able to obtain very easily, if at all, if the proverbial stuff hits the fan. Clothing should be appropriate for the time of year, and since we’re heading into fall, it’s going to be getting cooler in many parts of the country, so you’ll need heavier outer wear and a supply of emergency blankets. First aid supplies should be basic – bandages/band-aids, antibiotic ointment, pain relievers, etc. And if you take medicines for an existing condition, try to make sure you have a backup supply on hand.

Food and water, shelter, clothing, basic medical supplies and a way to defend yourself are the bare minimum steps you’ll need to take in order to get through what many expect to be a chaotic, anarchy-filled period in our history. Even then there are no guarantees, of course, but by preparing now you give yourself a much better chance at survival.

Just remember though, time’s a-wasting. Your personal preparations should begin now.
