Was the cure for Polio buried to profit from dangerous Rockefeller vaccines?


During the late 1940s and the 1950s, outbreaks of polio surged throughout the United States. One specific incident in Reidsville, NC had somewhat startling conclusions. Dr. F. R. Klenner found that by frequently injecting massive amounts of ascorbic acid, aka Vitamin C, into patients who tested positive for polio over a 72 hour period, the infection was cured with zero paralysis. In the time since then, it has been proven that Vitamin C is not only helpful in curing polio, but it also appears to work wonders against other ailments as well.

It’s far less surprising to find that this remarkable scientific discovery was suppressed by the same people who would eventually fund the creators of polio vaccines. After Klenner’s news that he could cure polio through the simple use of Vitamin C was announced, Vitamin C was stonewalled by the health industry until the Sabin and Salk vaccines were produced. This effort was highly supported and financially backed by the Rockefellers.

In a clear case of bitter irony, it has been shown that a deficiency in Vitamin C can possibly result in an individual suffering from vaccination damage. That’s right – the means by which the pharmaceutical companies would prefer for the nation to believe are the best solution can actually cause irreversible issues when the proven healthier solution is not present in high capacity. Babies are especially susceptive, particularly when any new toxin is introduced to their brain and central nervous system.  If the stress caused by toxins, such as those present in vaccinations, is too substantial and not neutralized effectively and promptly the results can include a multitude of neurological disabilities, including autism.

Moreover, many toxins have been studied and so far it has been shown that there are no known toxins which Vitamin C cannot neutralize.  Not only can Vitamin C neutralize toxins in the body, but also if there has been damage caused by the toxin, Vitamin C will begin repairing the damage.  Additionally, while the vitamin is neutralizing the side effects of the vaccine it is also helping the vaccine achieve the proper response from the antibodies it is intended to affect.

Thankfully the case for Vitamin C is now fully being tested and brought to light, although it is still rather unfortunate that so many spent years suffering due to corporate greed and stonewalling.  One can only speculate at what simple cures could be developed for modern ailments if only a government backed by major pharmaceutical corporations had less oversight.



