FBI documents reveal that Hillary Clinton was protected from prosecution by ‘Shadow Government’


Many of us have been wondering exactly how Hillary Clinton has been able to get away with her blatant, obvious corruption for so long now. Even though it’s well known that the federal government protects their own and the Democrats will go above and beyond to avoid condemning a member of their party, Hillary has been involved in so many scandals over the past few years that it is absolutely stunning that she has been able to get away with it all.

But new information was recently released that reveals exactly why this happened, and like the plot of a pulpy novel, it deals with a mysterious “Shadow Government,” but this is sadly a tale of nonfiction.

The Wikileaks email leaks have given us all sorts of gems in regards to the Clinton campaign, and this is yet another one to add to the list. The editorial team at The New York Post writes:

The FBI also released the summary of an interview that revealed a cabal at State that oversaw the email release — a “powerful group of very high-ranking STATE officials that some referred to as ‘The 7th Floor Group’ or as ‘The Shadow Government.’ This group met every Wednesday afternoon to discuss . . . everything CLINTON-related to FOIA/Congressional inquiries.”

Yes, a group of people known as the Shadow Government have been fighting to keep Hillary Clinton ahead in the presidential election. You just can’t make this stuff up. Just when you think this election season has reached the breaking point of stupidity, it goes up another level. This kind of corruption runs so deep within the federal government that the only way to successfully combat it is by voting against anyone and everyone that works for or is part of the establishment.

How anyone can support Hillary after news stories like this come out is unfathomable, but there are still the brainwashed sheep out there that will continue to do whatever the mainstream media tells them. This means that it is up for all of us to ensure that she isn’t elected this season. We have to get out to the polling places and fight back against both the Regressive Left and the Shadow Government. It’s unclear what will happen if and when she is elected, but it’s not something that I — or any of us — will want to find out.

She just isn’t worth the risk.



