Mark Zuckerberg erecting a massive spy state infrastructure for dictators of the world

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is far from a beacon of liberty. Over the years, he has proven that he doesn’t care about things like the United States Constitution or the privacy of the American people. No, all Mark Zuckerberg cares about is power and money. And Zuckerberg’s corruption isn’t limited to the United States, either. Whoever he can exploit across the world, he will, as is proven by his new app entitled Free Basics.

Free Basics claims to provide internet access to people in places like the poor areas of Africa. Of course, there are a number of details hidden in the fine print that show that Zuckerberg isn’t doing this as an act of charity.

Nanjala Nyabola of Foreign Policy states that even though the app looks like a good idea on the surface, “there’s a dark side to Free Basics that has the potential to do more harm than good … The app is essentially a cheap version of the internet, a fact that by itself implies that some people aren’t good enough to merit the whole thing. Even worse, it’s a version of the internet that gives Facebook — and by extension the corporations and governments that partner with Facebook — total control over what its users can access.”

Basically, Zuckerberg is trying to control what the people of the countries using Free Basics see and learn through the internet. Given the fact that he is a crazed leftist, it doesn’t take much imagination to discover exactly what will and will not be included on their devices. For anyone who appreciates different ideas and a free exchange of those ideas, this is deeply frustrating because we know how dangerous it could be. The powers that be from all over the world are trying to push their agendas by trying to silence everyone that disagrees with them.

The globalist agenda is no longer a matter of conspiracy; it can no longer be denied.

The working class, freedom-loving citizens of the United States of America need to take a stand against this kind of behavior – both nationwide and abroad – as it effects both the way other countries view us and the way in which we view ourselves. Since the mainstream media and the federal government have proven that they are not going to do anything to relieve this, it’s up to the American people to fix this problem.

And if history has proven anything, it’s that we should never count the American people out.
