Not out of the woods: Congress pressing forward with Clinton email investigations


( President Obama may yet have another important objective before he leaves office (for Left-wing delinquency and unlawfulness): Sign a document pardoning vanquished Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for her alleged high crimes and misdemeanors against the U.S.

That’s because the GOP-led Congress is continuing four separate probes of her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state. As Fox New reports:

At least four congressional investigations into Hillary Clinton’s personal email use and mishandling of classified information are expected to go forward even after the former secretary of state’s election loss last week, Republican lawmakers tell Fox News.

The probes, which cover allegations that Clinton lied to Congress about her email practices in October 2015 and that government records were destroyed, are ongoing and not dependent on the election’s outcome, two senior Republican senators said.

“I still don’t have the information I need,” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, told Fox News. Johnson said the work of his committee, with jurisdiction over government records and the mishandling of classified information, would be careful not to disrupt President-elect Donald Trump’s priorities.

“I think it’s one of the messages of this election that the public is disgusted when they see double standards, when they think people in high places, high government officials can get away with what ordinary citizens can’t,” he said. “So, I just think it’s extremely important to follow this thing through and get all the information. Make it public.”

A spokesperson for Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said answers, not the political calendar, are driving investigators.

“Senator Grassley has always followed inquiries through to their logical end, until he feels he’s received the answers he needs to be able to satisfy the questions he posed on the public’s behalf. He performs oversight regardless of which party holds the White House, just as he initiates oversight inquiries irrespective of politics,” the spokesperson said.

And here Clinton may have thought she was just going to get away scot-free with violating laws governing the handling of classified materials while damaging U.S. national security.

Of course, she still may. Obama can pre-pardon her if he wants to. But it’s admirable that Congress is continuing its duty, despite the election’s outcome.


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