Leftist anarcho-terrorists planning to overthrow the government on January 20, 2017 – Patriots called to defend

Crowd of demonstrators

The “Not My President” movement has been gaining national attention since November 9th, the day after the scheduled election where Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton. The media labeled the victory a shocking upset, but was it? The electoral college is in place to counteract the views in overpopulated areas by giving each state a designated number of electoral votes relative to its population. Although Hillary might have won the popular vote, she failed to gain the votes of rural America. Many Trump supporters have wondered if the Clinton campaign was going to use the media, voter fraud or any alternative methods of stealing the election. Although Clinton lost the November 8th race, it appears that the democratic side has yet to give up on the 2016 result.

Recent protests nationwide all have something in common. Weather its Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street or the new Not My President movement, the professional protesters are there for the paycheck, while pushing someone else’s political agenda. They are frequently bused into cities and sent out to put on a show. Some block traffic, commit hate crimes and even destroy property while chanting their employer’s message. The goals are to garner media attention and portray fake problems as being real ones. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a Trump presidency. He won as fairly as possible for how dirty of a race it was. So why all the post-election opposition? The left side is still trying to steal the results. They are pushing their new anti-Trump movement to new heights with use of the media.

What are the leftists up to now?

First off, the left is trying to persuade the electoral college members to change their vote to Clinton, which is in their power to do, so long as they pay a fine. It is still possible that a few bribes can go a long way to change our election outcome. The protests and riots in the streets are manufactured and not indicative of real Americans gathering up their friends to go out protesting. The origin of these protests has already been documented as for hire by globalist sponsored organizations. While it’s time they go away and accept the winner, truth is they are not going to quit. There is an offshoot movement in conjunction with the “Not My President” movement in the works called “DisruptJ20.”  The group, funded by the usual suspects, are trying to organize a massive protest on inauguration day. If the left can’t overturn the electoral college vote, they plan to release what could be the largest protest in national history. On January 20th, DisruptJ20 will take to the streets of Washington. This is what happens when money refuses to relinquish power. Be ready.



