New petition to Obama calls attention to harmful wireless radiation that causes DNA breakage


A petition has been launched at asking the lame-duck Obama administration to raise awareness of serious risk of cancer from radiation emitted by wireless technology via cellphones, Wi-Fi connections in the home, schools and public places, microwaves, smart meters and all “Internet of Things” appliances because they are likely damaging our human DNA in ways that predispose us to terrible diseases.

The petition states that the Cancer Moonshot Task Force should publicize the findings of the U.S. National Toxicology Program that regular exposure to RF radiation such as that which occurs during use of cellphones, tablets and other wireless devices cause cancer and double-stranded DNA breaks, Natural Blaze noted.

The program’s report noted:

The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) has carried out extensive rodent toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) at frequencies and modulations used in the U.S. telecommunications industry. This report presents partial findings from these studies. The occurrences of two tumor types in male Harlan Sprague Dawley rats exposed to RFR, malignant gliomas in the brain and schwannomas of the heart, were considered of particular interest and are the subject of this report.

The report includes the results of the world’s largest, most well-designed study of its kind, at a cost of about $25 million. Researchers found increased occurrence of rare brain tumors – gliomas – in both male and female rats explosed to RFR. The release of information thus far is considered “partial” because not all of the results are in yet. Scientists expect to have them all sometime next year.

Because of the study’s results, the U.S. National Toxicology Program is recommending that federal regulations be implemented requiring guidelines for lower electromagnetic field exposure.

The petition would need to garner 100,000 signatures by Dec. 20, in order to solicit a response from the White House.

As early as 2013 we reported that cellphone radiation may be causing increased incidents of brain cancer in children. According to researchers in New Zealand, the more children use cellphones when they are young, the bigger the chance they will develop deadly brain tumors by the time they reach their teenage years. What was even more alarming is that researchers found that more than 90 percent of kids who participated in the study – with an average age of 12 – were heavy cellphone users.

In 2014, Natural News reported that cellphone radiation could be causing health problems. Researchers from the University of Exeter in the UK found a small but consistent drop in sperm quality in men who stored their cellphones in their pants pocket. They believed that their findings may have helped explain, in part, a global drop in sperm count due to RFR emitted by cellphones.

“Studies indicate that approximately 14% of couples in industrialized countries experience difficulty conceiving. Male infertility is believed to be responsible in approximately 40% of cases,” we reported, citing the study.

In January Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams reported on a fascinating new study that found cellphone RFR can accelerate the release of toxic mercury from dental fillings. The Pakistani study found that MRI and microwave radiation emitted from cellphones can “significantly” cause a release of mercury from dental amalgam restoration, meaning that the more you hold a cellphone to your jaw, you drive electromagnetic energy into any mercury fillings in your mouth, heating them up just enough to boost their release of poisonous mercury.

“It is well known that metallic dental fillings respond to electromagnetic radiation. This is due to the laws of physics that describe how metals are influenced by the kind of electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones,” Adams wrote.

As the Internet of Things continues to grow unabated, the more at risk humans will be of developing brain cancers that may be rare now but which will become much more common.
