Mysterious plane found conducting ‘secret electronic command and control drill’ over Denver


It seems as though the US military is potentially gearing up for a major mission. A mysterious Navy plane was recently spotted conducting a secret electronic command and control drill over the Denver area. Although tensions with Russia have currently subsided since Donald Trump won the battle for the White House, it is likely that the 2 countries will clash again in the future.

Residents in the Denver area noticed the mysterious white plane as it flew in an oval pattern resembling a racetrack. The plane continued to lay down the laps for over an hour before heading to Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma. The Navy has disclosed the plane to be an E-6B, and confirmed the bizarre route that eyewitnesses observed. The mission remains classified but military officials admitted that a drill involving the E-6B Mercury “doomsday” plane was underway.

ABC affiliate Denver7 branded the flight a mystery because neither the FAA, US Northern Command, US Strategic Command, North American Aerospace Defense Command, nor a dozen Air Force Bases could confirm the flight. Hubbell said that although the mission was classified, the E-6B has “command, control and communications abilities to direct and employ strategic resources.” The planes have the ability to launch nuclear missiles and communicate with nuclear submarines among other diverse assets. The Department of Defense organized the training mission which reportedly was centered around electronic surveillance. Several other agencies were involved, but are highly unlikely to comment on the mission.

In times of a national emergency, doomsday planes can act as a highly-survivable command, control and communications center used to direct forces, execute war orders, and coordinate actions by civil authorities. The E-6B has upgrades for cutting edge electronic warfare over the E-4B.

There are some speculative scenarios circulating about the mission. Surveillance, data collection and drone detection may have been objectives. The aircraft, which has dominance over the civilian population, possesses the power to bring all ordinary activities to a halt. There are several military installations near Colorado Springs and the aircraft is able to black out much of Denver if it needs to do so.

The E-6B also makes for a great aggression check. Its capabilities are a powerful counterbalance to possible hostile intentions of other nations against the US. It is also possible the aggression check was against the President-elect, since the Continuity of Government structure has operational superiority over any president.
