New studies once again link mercury to autism


Even though the federal government’s health care bureaucracy, Big Pharma and the vaccine industry refuse to admit it, yet another study has linked mercury (still found in some vaccines) with autism.

As reported in EcoWatch by Robert Kennedy, Jr., a pair of international research teams, including Egyptian scientists have validated the link between autism and mercury. In an article published in the journal Metabolic Brain Disease, a team of nine research scientists from top Egyptian universities and academic medical institutions have now confirmed the causal role of mercury as a leading cause of autism.

The researchers determined the degree of mercury poisoning in children by analyzing the excretion in urine of organic elements called porphyrins. These are biomarkers that indicate the toxicity level of mercury, Kennedy wrote.

In addition, the researchers measured levels of mercury and lead in the blood.

‘Half-dozen’ U.S. studies have also shown a link

The teams found a substantial relationship between autism and mercury toxicity, as well as a direct correlation between the levels of mercury toxicity and the presence and severity of autism symptoms.

Kennedy noted further:

The scientists studied 100 children; 40 with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 40 healthy individuals and 20 healthy siblings of ASD children. The results showed that the children with ASD had significantly higher mercury levels than healthy children and healthy siblings. Children with the highest mercury levels had the most severe autism symptoms.

He went on to write that at least a half-dozen U.S. studies have also found a link between the development of autism and exposure to mercury, as determined by measuring porphyrins in urine. The first study, which was completed in 2012, found a correlation between the presence of specific urinary porphyrins linked to mercury toxicity and autism. That study affirmed an earlier one in 2011 that determined specific porphyrins associated with mercury toxicity were much higher in ASD kids when compared to non-autistic controls, Kennedy noted.

Further, a study in 2010 also found “disordered porphyrin metabolism” in autistic children that was not found in non-autistic kids, once more suggesting a higher mercury toxicity that is associated with autism and ASD – autism spectrum disorder.

A second study, which was also published in Metabolic Brain Disease (June 2016), an international team consisting of researchers and physicians from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Norway and Chile used a different set of measurements to identify a direct link between levels of mercury in the body and the diagnosis of autism.

The team measured levels of neurokinin A and B—these are pro-inflammatory neuro peptides that help identify mercury in blood—in 84 children with ASD, along with 84 controls. Researchers found a positive relationship between the severity of autism symptoms and the levels of mercury in the blood.

Kennedy explained that many mothers of children in the first Egyptian study had several dental amalgams which some believe likely helped create elevated levels of mercury in their kids. But that study did not analyze any potential link between higher incidences of autism and thimerosal, a vaccine preservative, which is 50 percent ethyl mercury by weight. But other studies have noted that thimerosal is 50 times more toxic to human tissue than the methylmercury in amalgams and fish, according to this 2012 study, and twice as prevalent, at a minimum, in the brain.

Even the FDA has admitted the link

It should be noted again that these two studies are only the latest in a growing body of research that link autism and mercury. In fact, as Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported in March, the Food and Drug Administration’s own website admits openly that vaccines lead to autism.

Adams noted that the document—which is a really a product insert for the Tripedia vaccine—openly admits to the vaccine being linked to “idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea.”

Adams also produced a video explaining his findings, here.
