Sick video surfaces on social media showing slashing and beating of kidnapped Trump supporter


The angry Left is beginning to reap what it has sown: radicalism and hostility among our racially diverse population. Of course, they’re trying to blame it all on the election of billionaire businessman Donald J. Trump.

This is as sick as it gets. And honestly, at some point, those who perpetrate such heinous criminal acts should be punished under current hate crime statutes.

As reported by Breitbart, Chicago Police held a press conference recently to discuss a Facebook live video portraying attackers beating and, at one point even slashing, a victim they had kidnapped and tied up in an apartment. During the assault, they can be heard saying “f*** white people” and “f*** Trump.”

“Some alert 11th District officers encountered an individual that didn’t seem right. They saw that this individual was in distress; he was in crisis. And they cared enough to do something about it,” said Lt. Stephen Sesso. “This individual was taken to the hospital, and an investigation conducted. At the same time, there were some individuals from another incident taken into custody at roughly the same address. The officers working together hand in hand were able to put together that the individual they encountered in distress was missing from one of our suburbs, and considered an ‘endangered missing.’”

‘It’s just sickening’

Continuing, Sesso said that the address where they found the alleged victim coincided with the address of some of the other individuals allegedly involved in the attack. In the course of talking with the alleged victim, police said they were able to determine that the locations were likely one and the same. He added that, after making such a determination, officers “detained” the suspects.

At that, Sesso turned over the news conference to police Commander Kevin Duffin, who added that detectives “communicated with the suburb” from which the victim had gone missing. Two of the suspects in custody were adult males, while two others were adult females; three of the four are from Chicago.

Duffin said that all four had given videotaped statements to officers, and that the Cook County prosecuting attorney’s office was interviewing the alleged victim. He also said that police expected charges within the course of 24 hours.

One reporter asked police how the victim got to Chicago. Duffin said that the victim was “an acquaintance of one of these subjects” who apparently first met them out in the suburbs. He said that the subjects had stolen a van and then brought the victim with them to Chicago.

Reporters pressed on, asking if the victim had been “kidnapped out in the suburbs.” Duffin replied that while police were still interviewing the victim at the time, “that’s certainly one of the charges we’ll be seeking if it turns out to be that.”

Understandably, Duffin said that the victim was “traumatized” by what had happened to him, which made it difficult for police to communicate with him for a time.

Another reporter asked how long the victim had been held against his will by the alleged assailants, and Duffin said that police estimated the time at about 24 hours, based on the victim’s information.

The assailants in the video appear to be African-American.

Isn’t it time we called an obvious hate crime a ‘hate crime?’

Reporters asked Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson if the videotaped attack would be considered a hate crime. Johnson, who is also black, assured the reporter that if the facts bore that out the alleged perpetrators would be dealt with accordingly.

Police said the victim had “mental health challenges,” according to Fox 17 in western Michigan. The station also reported that police accepted the video as credible.

“It’s sickening,” said Johnson of the videotaped assault. “It makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that.

“I’ve been a cop for 28 years and I’ve seen things you shouldn’t see in a lifetime. It still amazes me how you still see things you just shouldn’t. So I’m not going to say it shocked me, but it was sickening.”

Asked about the comments regarding “white people” and President-elect Trump, Duffin said those statements would “certainly” be part of the investigation.

Let’s hope so. After eight years of White House-inspired Left-wing racism, it’s time Americans of good conscience – of all ethnicities – put aside their political differences to pursue the common goal of punishing this kind of blatantly racist violence.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
