Fact check: These 4 mainstream outlets falsely BLAMED Trump supporters for arson attack

Fake News

The question has long been asked after the advent of so-called “fact-checking” websites developed by members of the discredited ‘mainstream’ media: Who fact-checks the fact-checkers?

Case in point: You may recall during the campaign cycle news of a black church being burned in Mississippi, with the phrase, “Vote Trump” spray-painted on the burned-out shell of the building.

The message appeared clear, according to a number of MSM outlets: ‘This is just more proof that Trump and his supporters are racists!’ Except, it turns out that the alleged arsonist is neither a Trump supporter nor a white racist, given that he’s African-American…and a member of the same church he allegedly burned.

But no matter. At least four news sites rushed to blame Trump supporters for the act of arson, but not because it was true, and well before police finished their investigation, because it fit the preconceived narrative the Left has consistently pushed about them.

As reported by Breitbart, they include:

The Atlantic: Under this headline, “A Black Church Burned in the Name of Trump,” the site—which has often covered the topic of “fake news”—may just be the leading contender for the most fake headlines this past year.

The site reported that the incident was being investigated as “a hate crime,” and even went so far as to claim the arsonist left “a calling card about politics.” Since then, the fire marshal has declared the incident had little to do with politics; The Atlantic was forced to update the original piece but the update did not include any ethnic information about the alleged arsonist.

Vox Media: The Left-wing ‘news’ site reported that the “message spray-painted on the burned bricks is drawing attention to a history of racist violence that has been amplified over the course of the 2016 presidential campaign”—without, of course, mentioning that African-American violence against white Trump supporters was indeed part of that. The writer had to throw in the obligatory references to Trump supporters “welcoming confrontation” and how that ties in with the “threat of violent voter intimidation…”

— Southern Poverty Law Center: This hack organization sees white nationalists and KKK members around every corner, whether they are really there or not. Most of the time, they’re not. As in this case. In the group’s “HateWatch” section a ‘news’ story outright blamed the arson on “voter intimidation,” something that “authorities” suspected.

The Daily Beast: Journo-terrorist Justin Glawe waxed angrily that “Trump wouldn’t condemn his own terrorists,” as he was just certain a bunch of white redneck Klansmen had to have been the culprits. But of course, that wasn’t the case.

Idiot Left-wing “journalists” so quickly jump to conclusions like this because they’ve been brainwashed into believing “Trump is a racist” and “blacks still suffer from overt white racism” as established fact—kind of like “man-caused global warming”—though it is obvious to any reasonable person they are not facts.

But even the facts don’t register with them because if you think this won’t happen again now that these people have been proven wrong, think again. You can keep up with all of these shenanigans at MediaFactWatch, one of our network partner sites.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.





