Planned in advance? Vaccine magically became available for testing after media hype on Ebola outbreak


Amid all the alarm in what the media claims is the worst Ebola outbreak in history, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), in partnership with the U.S. National Institutes of Health, released an experimental vaccine that, out of nowhere, became magically available for testing in a couple of weeks.

Normally, it takes several years for a new vaccine to hit the market. Comprehensive trials on animals and humans are usually needed throughout the vaccine development process to ensure the effectiveness and the safety of the proposed vaccine. For Ebola, however, minimal testing will take place on just 60 healthy volunteers, all of whom will be injected with genetic material obtained from both Ebola and a common cold virus normally afflicting chimpanzees. The two components are supposedly “safe,” at least according to GSK.

“This is a remarkable example of how quickly a new vaccine can be progressed into the clinic, using international co-operation,” claimed Professor Adrian Hill, lead author of the trial and director of Oxford’s Jenner Institute.

Is the government behind the Ebola “hype”?

How can this not be planned?

First, the mainstream media aggressively hypes the Ebola outbreak; now, suddenly, a “cure” that has the potential to bring billions of dollars in profits to Big Pharma appears out of nowhere. Of course, the NIH, the agency behind the whole thing, just so conveniently happens to own the patent on all Ebola vaccines. Add to this the fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) filed its own patent on the Ebola virus back in 2007, and what do you get? Another one of the government’s convoluted, moneymaking plots, no doubt.

Natural News compares it to a classic case of the Hegelian Dialectic — “create a problem, generate widespread fear and panic opposing this problem, and when the time is right introduce the ‘solution’ to the problem. The West African Ebola outbreak is following this devious script perfectly, and the endgame appears to be to get as many people as possible vaccinated for Ebola.

“To ensure that this occurs in the epicenter of the outbreak, the Obama Administration has already announced that it will send in 3,000 U.S. troops ‘to build treatment clinics and to train health workers in how to halt the spread of the deadly virus.’ In other words, the U.S. government will be at the forefront of disseminating its patented vaccines, which contain fragments of its patented Ebola viruses, to the unsuspecting poor who won’t even know what hit them.”

Are we really going to be fooled by this?

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