Bee-keeping survivalist gets candid about prepping: ‘Most people would be dead between 30 and 90 days’


( Jake Cassar lives in Australia and has been preparing for the end of the world since he was a teen. He takes disaffected youth to the bush and shows them edible wild plants, encourages the intake of clean food and the medicinal use of native crops and more. ABC news describes what Jake Cassar told the wide-eyed teens at a recent wilderness outing:

” … At one of his weekend camps near Gosford, Jake Cassar is telling some of the boys a story about the time he was homeless in Kings Cross and saw someone slashed up with a razor.

“That afternoon, he teaches them how to make rope, a fire, find water in the bush, skin a rabbit, and build a shelter, just for starters.

“Blended in with the lessons is information about survivalism and apocalyptic scenarios.

“‘World war three… an airborne disease which started wiping out people left right and center… I might sound a bit eccentric talking about this kind of thing, but it could happen,’ [Jake] tells them…  Jake’s friend, Steve is helping out and has a van full of prepper gear, including bee pollen, about five different methods for starting fire, and and a head-to-toe skintight camouflage suit. Why bee pollen? Steve tells me it’s nutritious as well as being light and easy to carry in a crisis…

“‘In a serious survival situation would we have to kill animals?’ [Jake] asks, and then gives the answer: ‘Yes.’”


Jake Cassar is not afraid to describe even more dire situations, which are documented by history. Millions died of starvation in the Ukraine in the 1930s and millions more in China in the 1950s. Starvation led to cannibalism in these horrific times. Cassar is aware of these potentials, as ABC news reports:

“Some people disagree but as I say, vegans and vegetarians would end up being cannibalised by other people in the first months.” He added, “I hope it never happens, I hope I never have to utilise my survival techniques that I’ve been learning over a lifetime, but I do have a feeling that there will be a time.

“I think in in our society today the sh*t is hitting the fan.”


Jake Cassar is also a social activist, a naturalist and a park ranger who is not only wide awake to the potential of societal breakdown, he’s also a man who has sung professionally for over a decade. He specializes in folk songs and the didjeridoo. His bio reports that “Jake recently made the top 50 in the television show X Factor where his voice was described as being ‘unique’ and sounding like ‘caramel’ by international recording artist, Ronan Keating.”

Not all Aussies believe we’re facing the end of civilization with the same intensity. Ecologist and futurist Dr. Steve Cork is one, according to

“Dr Cork, now based at the Australian National University, spent 25 years working at the CSIRO, researching interactions between humans and the natural environment. He says the collapse of society could come in a few different forms, including climate change, civil unrest because of refugee crises, food shortages, or a pandemic.

“He thinks if humans last another few decades, artificial intelligence might ultimately do us in.

“By about 2045 [we expect to have] computers that have got more capacity than all human brains put together,” he says.”

So will man do us in, or the robots man creates? Seems like a little spiritual preparation is in order, too.


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