Federal lawsuit alleges Obama and Clinton took bribe money from Margaret Hamburg to secure her placement as FDA commissioner


If you look at Exodus 23:8 – that’s the second book of the Torah and the Bible – it very clearly warns about what happens when a person takes a gift, which is translated as a bribe; “And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous.” Maybe it’s not an oxymoron for Obama and Clinton to call themselves “Christians.” In today’s degenerate state of man made religions, they fit right in with the rest of the unrighteous mammon loving folks who use the same moniker. And, in terms of the admonition to not take a bribe? Well, with those two top dog Democrats, as well as those they run with, isn’t bribery a way of life?

For example, check out these details from a racketeering lawsuit featuring former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Margaret Hamburg. The Daily Caller has the details:

“Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg, her hedge-fund executive husband [hedge fund manager Peter F. Brown], and Fortune 500 giant Johnson & Johnson colluded to enrich themselves by failing to warn the public about a ‘deadly’ antibiotic, a federal racketeering lawsuit claims.

“‘Once confirmed as FDA commissioner, Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg acted as the instrumentality that all defendants used to perpetrate their conspiracy and racketeering enterprise by having her act illegally and outside the scope of her authority as FDA commissioner to suppress material information to plaintiffs and the public that Levaquin was inherently dangerous and in fact, deadly,’ the complaint alleges.

“The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Jan. 19, 2016, on behalf of five individuals who claim they suffered severe physical harm as a result of taking the antibiotic.

“‘Had this information been disclosed to plaintiffs and the public at large, her and her husband’s financial gain and net worth would have plummeted, since Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg’s husband, Peter F. Brown, reaped and continues to reap huge financial gain as a result of Renaissance Technologies, L.L.C.’s holdings of Johnson & Johnson stock,’ according to the complaint.”

A top FDA official suppressing data on deadly drugs is business as usual. But to do these devilish deeds, Hamburg, with husband in tow, had to be appointed to the position by the White House. So, why not buy your way in? Health Ranger Mike Adams reports:

“A fascinating finding in the lawsuit alleges that Margaret Hamburg bribed her way into the top position at the FDA by making large financial contributions to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama:

Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg was nominated as a result of huge political and other gratuities to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation, and at Mrs. Clinton’s recommendation… Defendant Hamburg, on behalf of all of the Defendants as part of this racketeering conspiracy, gave political contributions and gratuities to Hillary Clinton in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 to induce Mrs. Clinton to recommend and push for Defendant Hamburg to be nominated by President Obama…

Defendant Hamburg, on behalf of all of the Defendants as part of this racketeering conspiracy, gave political contributions and gratuities to President Obama to induce him to nominate her to be appointed as FDA Commissioner.”

So, all the bribery and the subterfuge and the lies and the racketeering, at least in this particular lawsuit, are out in the open. But so is Clinton’s sordid history of dead bodies, delight of bloodshed, treason and lies. Obama’s list may be shorter, but they are both filled with the perversion of justice. Because that is what bribes do. Count on it.

(Photo credit: Readthespirit.com)




