How Glyphosate kills plants – And your immune system


Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s RoundUp Ready herbicide, is a slippery chemical that permeates everything. In March, the World Health Organization (WHO) deemed glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” Just as glyphosate is excellent at killing plants, it is just as effective at killing your immune system.

While glyphosate is owned by Monsanto, it is being used by other biotech giants, including Dow in their Durango pesticide formula. In addition, the Big Pharma company Bayer is attempting to buy Monsanto, which would make glyphosate even more widespread.

Despite the adverse impact glyphosate has on human health and the environment, the chemical continues to be used on a mass scale.

How glyphosate kills your immune system

But how does glyphosate kill plants and in turn, people? Glyphosate kills plants by preventing them from absorbing essential nutrients, such as calcium, zinc, magnesium and more. In particular, glyphosate impacts the shikimate pathway, a metabolic route in plants that enables them to produce essential amino acids and proteins. Whenever the pathway is hindered, the plant is unable to survive.

While animals and humans do not have a shikimate pathway, the gut in our stomach do, which we are dependent upon for optimal health. Whenever glyphosate enters our bodies, it destroys the bacteria in our gut, which in turn, impairs our immune system.

In addition, glyphosate mirrors the structure of glycine, the smallest of 20 amino acids commonly found in protein. Consequently, the human body can be fooled into receiving glyphosate as a substitute for glycine. According to Tony Mitra:

Pretending to be the amino acid Glycine, [glyphosate] can cross the blood-brain barrier and start interfering in our brain chemistry. It can mis-fold proteins and cause them to behave unnaturally and perform unintended tasks with potential negative effects for us.

It can and does get into our bone marrow and start producing T-cells and helper cells with this rogue chemical fitted in place of glycine. It can get into our DNA and RNA and be responsible for producing potentially dangerous transgenic mutants in our offsprings that will show negative effects even a few generations down the line.

And once it is into our biology, there is no effective way for our immune system, or for man, to get rid of it and replace it, molecule by molecule, with the original glycine.

The autism connnection

Glyphosate also impacts blood production by interfering with heme, an iron-containing compound responsible for the nonprotein part of hemoglobin. As the article The Monsanto – Autism – Parasite Connection explains:

While heme is believed to be synthesized in every cell of the body, it’s primary location of synthesis is the liver and the bone marrow. Interestingly, a prime location for where glyphosate is known to accumulate within the body is the bone marrow. Due to the similarity in molecular structure between glyphosate and the amino acid glycine, a molecule required as a substrate for the production of heme, it is very plausible that glyphosate may be directly impairing heme synthesis, and therefore creating a cascade of problems that results from suboptimal levels of heme.

To add insult to injury, Monsanto was well aware of the health problems latched to glyphosate. In 2015, Dr. Anthony Samsel and Dr. Stefanie reviewed 15,000 pages of scientific documents on Monsanto’s glyphosate research. They concluded Monsanto’s claim that glypshoate was safe was a lie. The biotech company knew glyphosate was responsible for organ failure and cancer, but covered up the data to make a profit.

Although it is practically impossible to avoid glyphosate, you can reduce your exposure. Be sure to opt for whole organic foods and avoid using RoundUp Ready Herbicide.

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