Total hoax of Sandy Hook and ‘crisis actors’ exposed in this milestone video

Sandy Hook

The events surrounding the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School have been suspicious from the beginning. While the mainstream media wasted no time in pushing their anti-Second Amendment agenda, it was clear to anyone who was paying attention that there were numerous peculiarities in the media coverage.

There is substantial evidence that David Wheeler, who received notable attention from mainstream networks as the grieving father of one of the victims, is actually a hoax actor. Compiled in a YouTube video by Barry Soetoro, various clips of news coverage on the Sandy Hook massacre shine a light on some shocking discoveries. Footage from the day of the shooting shows Wheeler, dressed in full combat attire, bumbling around the parking lot of the school alongside members of the police force and the FBI. His outfit doesn’t match that of his peers, and he mishandles his rifle in an extremely irresponsible fashion. Despite going out of his way to duck down whenever cameras are in sight, Wheeler’s face is clearly visible. This footage alone makes it clear that Wheeler is an actor portraying two substantially different roles in the event.

But the evidence gets even more damning from there. In 2001, Wheeler appeared in Faithful, a Hollywood movie that proves that the man has a history of pretending to be someone he’s not. There’s a long list of crisis actors that have been hired to help push various agendas, but David Wheeler is likely the most obvious one yet. Why they would choose to have the same actor portray two different roles in the coverage of the same event – making his presence extremely easy to notice – is unclear, but it most likely has something to do with the fact that the mainstream media believes that its viewers are completely incompetent. Unfortunately for them, the truth always comes out, as is wholly evident here.
