Rolling Stone goes full commie: Calls for gunpoint disarmament of citizens, full repeal of Second Amendment


To the cowardly fools that comprise the Regressive Left, demanding heightened regulations on firearms is nothing new, but their recent cries to repeal the Second Amendment in light of the Orlando terrorist attack are absolutely shameful.

In an article for Rolling Stone, liberal wimp David S. Cohen writes that “sometimes we just have to acknowledge that the Founders and the Constitution are wrong. This is one of those times. We need to say loud and clear: The Second Amendment must be repealed.”

These people don’t just want heightened regulation — they wants guns in general banned!

By claiming that the Constitution is wrong, you are claiming that the document that our country is founded on is wrong; you are claiming that American values regarding freedom against tyranny are wrong. If you don’t like the fabric that America was built on, then why are you still here? These people need to accept the fact that America was founded on the right to bear arms and the rights of its citizens to protect themselves.

The influx of terrorist attacks from radical Islam have nothing to do with the rights of law-abiding Americans, and everything to do with Islamic terrorists. Unsurprisingly, Cohen’s article doesn’t even use the words “Islam” or “Muslim.” You can add him to the list of cowardly “journalists” who are so afraid of being labeled an Islamophobe or a bigot that they consciously avoid relevant details regarding these attacks. The most damning connection in all of the recent attacks (in San Bernardino, Paris, Belgium, Orlando, and so forth), is radical Islam.

Yet, the NRA continues to get the brunt of the blame. How was the NRA involved in the radical Islamist attacks in Europe? Just man up and call this what it is: religion-fueled terrorism. In an effort to combat the mass media hysteria for stricter gun control, the executive director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, Chris Cox, has rationally pointed out that, “Radical Islamic terrorists are not deterred by gun control laws. The San Bernardino terrorist attack wasn’t stopped by California’s so-called ‘assault weapons’ ban…”
Then again, Cohen writes for the same publication that chose to feature Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of their magazine as if he were a hero, so what would they possibly know about standing up to radical Islam?

