Facebook sides with radical Islam, bans gay magazine


It has been common knowledge for a while now that Facebook has waged war against conservative voices, frequently promoting liberal views in their trending topics section.

Now they may have reached an all-time low.

The Facebook page belonging to LGBT magazine Gaystream was banned shortly after they published an article criticizing Islam in the wake of the Orlando nightclub massacre that left nearly fifty people dead and even more injured. Despite the liberal media’s attempt to blame the shooting on the NRA, everyone who put even a little bit of research into the terrorist attack can see that shooter Omar Mateen was fueled by his radical Islamic views.

And still, Facebook has sided with Islam in the battle of free speech. On the list of minority groups that are beyond criticism, Islam has been proven to be number one. A few weeks ago, it would have been nearly impossible to imagine a world where liberals side against the LGBT community, and yet here we are. They’re not only placing the hurt feelings of Muslims over the lives of gays, they’re suppressing the free speech of queer-identifying individuals for speaking out against a violent ideology that wants to have them put to death.

Facebook didn’t clarify which of the many articles posted by Gaystream prompted the magazine’s banning, and didn’t even offer an explanation of how they broke the terms and agreements of the social media network. Once again, this seems like a not-so-subtle attempt at silencing those who speak out against a religion whose values they disagree with.

Free speech is free speech, and Zuckerberg and company have clearly proven that it is not an interest of theirs. Religions and ideologies are not people; they should not be protected against “hate speech.”

For a group of people who are constantly blabbering on about LGBT “voices” and how important it is to listen to those with differing viewpoints, liberals sure to love to suppress opinions that don’t fit into their agenda.



