Gun-free zones are KILL ZONES: UK politician Jo Cox blind-sided by crazed killer

Jo Cox

Tragedy struck the UK today as Labour MP Jo Cox, 41, was shot and stabbed to death by 52-year-old Tommy Mair outside of a cafe in Birstall, West Yorkshire, England.

Yes, in England — the country liberal media outlets have been championing for its strict firearm regulations and low number of gun-related deaths — a politician was brutally murdered, in cold blood, by a lunatic armed with a gun.

BBC reports that Clarke Rothwell, the cafe owner who witnessed the attack, heard a strange noise, and upon investigation discovered a man with an “old fashioned looking gun.” Rothwell stated that Mair “shot this lady once and then he shot her again, he fell to the floor, leant over shot her once more in the face area.”

It’s a horrific, chilling description that makes potential gun regulations in the United States all the more terrifying.

This event further proves that gun-free zones are hunting grounds for those looking to prey on innocent people. Anywhere that law-abiding citizens are not allowed to carry firearms, a significant advantage is given to those that are there to cause harm. This shouldn’t be such a difficult concept to understand, and yet American politicians can’t see to grasp it. They continue to push their anti-Second Amendment agenda under the ruse that more gun control means less gun-related deaths.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that gun laws do nothing but prevent law-abiding Americans from obtaining firearms that could help protect them from the gun-wielding criminals of the world. As Breitbart‘s Milo Yiannopoulos stated in a speech yesterday, “Gun-free zones are space spaces for killers.” They benefit the bad guys.

There’s no way to stop evil. Evil will always exist. But the best way to combat evil is by being adequately prepared for it. In 2016, that means utilizing your right to bear arms.



(Photo courtesy of Batley News)