Oprah endorses Hillary just because she has a vagina


“I’m with her.”

Those three words instantly let you know that a person couldn’t care less about corruption and deception within our government. How else could they justify supporting a known crook like Hillary Clinton.

How anyone could consciously support Hillary Clinton is a mystery, and yet so many liberals actually do. The latest fool to do so is none other than talk show host and billionaire CEO Oprah Winfrey, who stated in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, “Regardless of your politics, it’s a seminal moment for women … What this says is, there is no ceiling. That ceiling just went boom! It says anything is possible when you can be leader of the free world.”

Oprah added a cringe-inducing “I’m with her” to secure her stance as a Hillary Clinton supporter. This is especially notable since Winfrey endorsed Barack Obama over Clinton in 2008. Apparently that “seminal moment for women” isn’t that important to her…

The Hollywood elite have been pushing their faux feminism agenda for years now, so it should come as no surprise that it has been a major element in Hillary’s campaign, but to claim that you’re only voting for someone because they are a woman is the exact opposite of feminism. It’s treating a person differently simply because their gender. Even if the gender in question is the “oppressed” species that is considered “voiceless,” it goes against the values of equality to judge one candidate differently because they’re a woman.

On top of being silly reasoning to support a political candidate — especially a presidential hopeful — it’s also the type of frustrating mindset that is likely to get that corrupt rat Hillary elected.

Are there women who are capable of being commander-in-chief? Absolutely. Is Hillary one of them? Absolutely not.




Entertainment Tonight
