ANOTHER violent terrorist attack in Turkey proves that guns aren’t the issue


There’s an obvious reasons why the mainstream media has been uncharacteristically quiet about the terrorist attack in Istanbul, Turkey that left 36 people dead and dozens more injured. Perhaps it’s because they can’t blame the NRA, conservatives, or Christian bakers for what has happened overseas.

Or perhaps it’s because openly discussing the event might force them to finally use the term “radical Islam.”

The terrifying, infuriating event was described as a “double suicide bombing” in which the perpetrators also carried firearms — reportedly a Kalishnikov was used, but we know how unreliable the media can be when discussing ‘assault rifles.’ Even though guns were on hand, it’s clear that the terrorist attack would have occurred even if they weren’t. It’s not a difficult task to make a bomb — even with simple household ingredients — so the concept of preventing evildoers from using bombs is absolutely delusional.

The only way we can go about stopping these people and their violent actions is by openly addressing what they are — radical Islamic terrorists.

But once again, the so-called “religion of peace” has received a free pass in light of a barbaric attack. And since it didn’t occur in the United States, the Second Amendment can’t be blamed, nor can the NRA or any of the other people, places and things that the Regressive Left loves to target. Still, there’s little doubt that if a similar event had occurred in America — in which a bomb was utilized — liberals would still find a way to blame guns.

If firearms are banned — or end up being regulated to the point where they’re near impossible to obtain — that won’t prevent mass murder in America or anywhere else in the world. ISIS — not ISIL — will continue to find ways to destroy. We need to focus on getting rid of ISIS instead of getting rid of guns. Then, and only then, will we be truly free and safe.

Since the federal government isn’t willing to step in and protect the lives on the innocent people, we’re going to have to protect ourselves at all costs. Exercise the right to bears arms, and protect you and yours.




ABC News