Democrats declaring there should be a scientific dictatorship in America

Global warming

Leftists do not believe in free speech.

This has been disturbingly apparent over the course of the past few years when they began going to desperate measures to silence anyone they disagree with, who disagrees with their views, or questions their truths. It extends far beyond the realm of reasonability and enters into full-blown authoritarian madness. And it only continues to grow.

The Democratic Party has called for, “Another joint proposal calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly misled shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change was also adopted by unanimous consent.”

This means that any company that hasn’t completely hopped on the global warming bandwagon could be charged with fraud. For a science that is still very much up for debate, it seems extremely inappropriate and unjust to decide what companies have to believe and address in regards to scientific theory. In a lot of ways, it’s like the Regressive Left is trying to dictate what people in America can and cannot believe. Given recent events regarding radical Islam, it’s not too hard to imagine that being the case. In their ideal America, you’re forced to believe whatever fits their current agenda, and if you even question their reasoning, they’ll either silence you or punish you.

The bottom line is that free Americans should be allowed to believe whatever they choose — but pushing scientific theories on others is downright unconstitutional. Even if you are a believer in climate change, it’s extremely important to acknowledge that what the authoritarian leftists are doing here is wrong. We, as free Americans, need to stand up for truth in regards to science. If we want this country to fix itself, we need to spread truth and facts over financially-fueled agendas.



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