Sandy Hook was theater! Actor who played law enforcement sniper was recorded walking around carrying rifle by the magazine

Sandy Hook

Was Sandy Hook a scripted Hollywood mind control movie? There’s lots of juicy plot points. A mentally unstable young man who had access to guns in the house of his burdened mother. Grieving parents with pictures of their innocent young children who were shot to death in their elementary school. And there’s the perfect location. A big back lot with woods, so unknown gunmen could run off and disappear. Plenty of parking, necessary for police, military, emergency vehicles and hired actors. And, as a bonus, on December 12, 2014,  Sandy Hook Elementary School wasn’t even open, as reported by investigator Jim Fetzer at Veteran’s News. As evidence, Fetzer’s report also detailed that this  “decommissioned” elementary school had no internet activity between 2008 – 2014.  So much for the little ones getting their computer lessons. Combine that with the abandoned school’s environmental problems, bio hazards and non-ADA compliance, a location scout has a building ripe for blowing up –  or whatever a producer would have in mind, like perhaps a movie to push a gun control agenda.

But you can’t have a movie without actors. And there were actors employed on that day with video to prove it. Two actors in particular, David Wheeler and his wife Francine,  went about making tearful claims about losing their son Benjamin to gun violence.  The Wheeler’s traveled with other families and gun control lobbyists on Air Force One with President Obama. David Wheeler spoke before panels and he and his wife also appeared on popular television shows, including Bill Moyers Journal and Oprah Winfrey. These two waxed eloquent, with impassioned facial gestures and statements that only a scriptwriter could compose. Topics included how important it is to provide mental health testing for just about everybody, and then continue to monitor those found “suspect,” so potential gun toting madmen would never again be allowed to create another Sandy Hook.. But that’s not the only role David Wheeler played. Maybe he got a Screen Actor’s Guild (SAG) bonus for his second role at Sandy Hook.  You see, grieving father David Wheeler was also a fatigue wearing, military gun toting law enforcement officer on the day of the “shooting.”  As such, Wheeler kept walking in and out of the camera frame with his two other buddies on cue. In this video, you can watch David Wheeler perform his two roles, grieving parent and the military man who sometimes forgets his guns.

With “producers” trying so hard to brainwash the population, it’s comforting to know that there are products and people who want to tell the truth. Not only about the food supply, but also with life-equipping materials that you will need when the movie comes to a town near you.
