So everything the mainstream media reported about Clinton’s email scandal was a lie… yet nobody issues a retraction?

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For nearly a year as the FBI scandal into Hillary Clinton’s [allegedly] improper use of at least four private email servers to handle classified materials in her role as secretary of state, the largely Left-wing media hyperventilated early and often that there was nothing there, she was being wrongly persecuted again and that she is the most qualified person on the planet to be our next president.

Only, as FBI Director James Comey laid out in a statement earlier this week in announcing that his agency would not recommend an indictment, Clinton was anything but exonerated. But don’t expect any apologies. Or retractions.

Among other specific violations of statutes, executive orders and government policy Comey said his investigators found:

— That she had sent and received 110 email chains that were found to have contained classified information, which she repeatedly lied about in numerous TV and newspaper interviews;

— That she had used “several” private, unsecured email servers to conduct her classified State Department business, not just one (as she has intimated she used and the mainstream media belched out without question);

— That she did not turn over all emails requested because many that were deleted over the years were ultimately discovered – and three of those contained classified information – though the media took her word for it when she said all emails had been handed over;

— That lawyers working for Clinton did not “read” all of the tens of thousands of emails, as she intimated during congressional testimony, but that they instead used headers and search terms to “find” the emails (crickets on this from the media);

— That it was “likely” Clinton’s servers were accessed (hacked) by foreign governments, though the mainstream media lapped it up when she ridiculously asserted that her servers were protected by Secret Service agents outside her home in Chappaqua, New York.

And now that Clinton will not be charged, the Left-wing media and many of the Leftist hate sites that pose as “media” are in full spin and denial mode, even to the point of fabricating stories just to generate clicks and pageviews from Left-wing haters online.

To wit:

— “Playing the ‘rigged’ card: Trump, Jones and other conspiracy mongers must look within the GOP for the legit scandals” – (Hint to Salon: If what Clinton just got away with doesn’t qualify as a scandal to you, then there is no such thing as a “scandal”)

— “House GOP Wants To Investigate Hillary’s Emails, Because That’s Gone So Well In The Past” – Wonkette (Hey, Wonkette haters: Guess you missed the part where FBI Director James Comey said 110 Clinton emails contained classified information, and at least eight of them on a level so secret they shoot people who get unauthorized access to it)

— “Hillary Clinton’s Multiple Servers And Phones Weren’t So Multiple” – Huffington Post (HuffPo, is it important that she just used one server at a time, that she used several over the course of her term as secretary of state – or that she felt the need to use private servers in violation of State Department policy and U.S. statutes in the first place?)

And so on. But even in the legitimate, if still Democrat-leaning press, Hillary’s getting a pass (many have said Comey “exonerated” her but if you read his full statement, you’ll see he essentially laid out a case against her, which makes no sense at all if you believe in the rule of law for all).

Here’s something else. These sources were all so wrong in their reporting about Clinton during this entire affair, and yet you’re not going to read a single retraction in the coming days and weeks. You also won’t see a single apology from the writers and editors at these sycophantic Hillary backers.

It’s not just that Comey’s failure to recommend Clinton be indicted for very obvious violations of statutes governing the handling of classified materials means there is now an official two-tiered legal system in America – one for the elites and one for the rest of us.

It also means that the mainstream media is officially irrelevant.
