A mosque funded by Saudis opened in Nice, France just weeks before attack

Nice Truck Attack

It’s time to push political correctness to the side and start focusing on facts and the whole truth.

In the wake of terrorist attacks all across the world, those of us who have been paying close attention have discovered a common connection between the people committing these horrific attacks: their radical involvement with Islam.

Pointing out this connection inevitably results in the authoritarian leftists throwing around terms like “bigot” and “Islamophobe,” because they value political correctness over the truth.

In the weeks leading up to the recent attack in Nice, France, where Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel — a convicted criminal with alleged links to Islamic terrorist organizations — murdered at least 84 people by plowing them over with a large truck, a new Saudi-funded mosque opened in the area. Even more suspiciously, it is owned by Sheikh Saleh bin Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh, the Saudi Minister of Islamic Affairs, who is a strong supporter of Sharia Law.

Is it politically incorrect to believe that there could be some sort of connection between the new mosque and the purely evil act? Yes.

Is it illogical or inappropriate in any way to want the mosque to be investigated? No.

People’s lives are at stake here. We need to throw the fear of sounding politically incorrect or offensive to the wayside and start thinking about the betterment of the world as a whole. We have to stop these things from happening if we want to survive to see tomorrow.



