Muslims castrated and beheaded victims of the Paris attacks, covered up to avoid backlash against Islamic community


It’s time for the mainstream media and the liberal government to stop covering for radical Islam in an attempt to avoid offending the Muslim community.

For years they’ve been doing everything they possibly can to avoid connecting radical Islamic terrorists with the religion itself — even straight up denying that there’s any connection between these horrific attacks and the Muslim religion.

Unfortunately for them, the rest of us have caught onto their game and realize that everything they’ve been telling us is a complete lie. An overwhelming amount of recent terror attacks have been at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists — in the name of their religion — and there’s nothing wrong with pointing that out. In fact, lying in order to avoid offense is a much bigger problem — and it has a tendency to cost people their lives.

In the wake of the Paris attacks in November 2015, where dozens of people were murdered, the public at large discovered just how dangerous religious extremism could be. The mainstream media could no longer hide the truth that people were being murdered in the name of Islam — though they tried their best to draw attention away from the ideology of the attackers.

Now news has broken that the victims of those attacks weren’t just murdered — they were tortured in violent, horrifying ways.

According to Heatstreet, “Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were stabbed in the genitals – and all the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda.”

So why weren’t these gruesome details revealed to the public? Don’t we have a right to know the gritty facts surrounding events that affect us all?

It’s clear that these outlets are trying to avoid showing just how evil these radical Islamic terrorists truly are. Painting them as misguided, angry “lone wolves” isn’t working anymore. We have to demand that they inform us of all the details surrounding these acts of violence. We have to know what we’re up against. We have to know how to fight back.

There’s a lot to be afraid of in this day and age. It’s our responsibility to spread the truth — not the narrative. Get ready and stay ready.

