WATCH the full film: Clinton Cash reveals how Bill and Hillary schemed their way to the top


Based on the Peter Schweizer book of the same name, M.A. Taylor’s new documentary Clinton Cash looks to expose the truth behind the Clinton family’s corruption — in entertaining and informative fashion. The documentary “investigates how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being ‘dead broke’ after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with over $2 billion in donations to their foundation.”

Now available to watch for free on YouTube, the film is being released at an incredibly important time — when it seems like a very real possibility that Crooked Hillary just might con herself into the White House this fall. Filled with substantiated facts, Clinton Cash is sure to shock up the world, should the ignorant sheep of the world choose to watch it. The livelihood of our country could depend on it.

This could be the most important documentary you see this year. View it in its entirety below.


