FBI complicity? Feds were on ‘high alert’ one week prior


It cannot be stated enough — the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been complicit in a vast majority of the terrorist attacks on United States soil. Whether actively being involved or intentionally looking the other way, the FBI clearly doesn’t care about the safety of the American public at large. It’s not even up for debate anymore — they indisputably don’t care about protecting us from outside dangers.

Mere hours before Ahmad Khan Rahami set off a bomb in New York City and Dahir Ahmed Adan began stabbing people in a Minnesota mall, FBI officials had been placed on high alert for potential terror attacks. Of course, as it always seems to go, that alert did no good as the attacks still went off without a hitch. The Federal Bureau of Investigation — even with prior knowledge of a potential attack — didn’t help matters in the slightest.

Does this mean that the FBI is directly involved with the terrorist organizations that continue to wreak havoc all across the United States? Not necessarily, but would that really surprise you at this point? If news broke that undeniable evidence had been obtained that proves the FBI has direct involvement in supporting murders committed by ISIS and ISIS copycats, would you really be all that surprised?

Given the fact that the federal government has constantly gone out of their way in order to protect the reputation of Islam, one has to wonder just how far they’re willing to go. Considering that all of these terrorist attacks have been a result of radical Islamic extremists attempting to spread the warped word of their religion, it’s not out of the question that the feds are doing what ever they can to continue pushing their twisted agenda — no matter what the cost of that in the end.

More than anything, though, this blatant disregard for the safety of the American people reminds us all just how much we need to protect the Second Amendment. Dahir Ahmed Adan was shot and killed by an off-duty police officer with a concealed carry permit, which put an end to his devastating reign of terror. Without that police officer there, who knows what might have happened. A good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a knife — this happens a lot more often that the mainstream media wants you to believe.

For your own safety — and for the wellbeing of our country — it’s important that our citizens arm themselves and prepare for the worst. The only person that is going to protect you is you. It’s painfully obvious that the federal government isn’t. Not anymore.



