Military whistleblower exposes existence of chemtrails


By now, if you’re a regular consumer of Alternative Media – and you should be if you value truth in reporting – you’ve learned about the phenomenon of chemtrails. As more time passes, we come to find out that not only are they a real thing, but that there is some sinister purpose behind them.

The latest to confirm this is a nine-year Air Force vet, industrial hygienist and environmental specialist Kristen Meghan. In a recent interview with Luke Rudkowski, Meghan said that in spite of being a federal employee for 12 years, she has been motivated to speak out because of the uses of chemicals on the population.

I used to think it was crazy,” she said of geoengineering – the more formal name for chemtrails.

While millions of people write off chemtrails as a wild conspiracy theory, testimony and whistleblowing from people like Meghan and former NASA scientists who have firsthand knowledge, make the phenomenon difficult to dismiss.

She said that it is the responsibility of people like herself and other government employs involved in her line of work – improving the environment – to speak out and “wake up” other people.

As to why there aren’t any pictures as evidence, Meghan said that hangers containing the sprayed chemicals are under armed guard, and that anyone who would try to take a picture in such restricted spaces would wind up “with an M-16 in your back,” indicating that armed guards have orders to physically detain violators.

She went on to note that many of the elements tied to chemtrails occur naturally in the environment, but most definitely not at the levels or in the form that she has discovered through testing. “So how did it get there?” she asks rhetorically.

She said that she initially considered theories about government contaminating the environment via contrails as “incredibly disrespectful” to her and her line of work, as she believed she was working on behalf of the government to clean up the environment. But then she says she began looking into the issue, initially to disprove it, but found that the more she learned, the more questions she had.

And eventually, she found that she could no longer ignore the truth.

“I started noticing things,” she told Rudkowski. “I started noticing large quantities on the system where I would approve chemicals that did not have a manufacturer name, wasn’t tied to a building, and that was normal protocol.”

At that point, she said, she began asking questions and was quickly “demonized.” She said she began asking about the mysterious chemicals a couple of years later, after she began to be more vocal about it on social media, but was threatened with losing her daughter and being “thrown into a mental institution” – an incident which most definitely changed her view of the military and government in general.

Bottom line? Meghan says she believes the technology is being used as “weather warfare,” to take away people’s ability to grow food and subsist. What’s more, she says, the technology “isn’t new … they’ve done it since the ’40s.”

Watch the full interview below.
