Violent Leftwing riots increase the prospects of an upcoming civil war


Martin Armstrong, former chairman of Princeton Economics International Ltd, is best known for his economic predictions. Armstrong warns that we are spiraling toward a civil war in the United States. There is an attempt to create a socialist revolution in the US which is being led by President Obama, Hillary Clinton and the millennials that support them. Armstrong notes that this is a very dangerous situation because his Economic Confidence Model is showing rising civil unrest. Armstrong said “The Democrats [seem] to be intent on burning down democracy if they do not win. I have never seen this get so out of hand in my lifetime. There is a lot of evidence surfacing showing that these protesters are being paid by organizations alleged to be funded by George Soros, which is why Hillary remains silent. Ads recruiting these people are appearing on Craigslist around the country. Clearly, this is an anti-democratic movement to reject the election and take government in a unilateral move producing anarchy. We are spiraling toward civil war if this is not stopped.” Armstrong also noted that Trump cannot be impeached by leftist efforts.

Civil war seemed imminent for weeks when Republicans disavowed their own presidential nominee. It seemed certain that Trump would cause a split within the GOP if he lost the election. After the Trump victory, angry progressive millennials took to the streets in protest. Questions have been raised weather current protests nationwide are organic or funded by extreme left wing globalists. Either way, the protests are in defiance of a cardinal rule. The losing side of the election must accept defeat and acknowledge the victor’s mandate.

The state of California is in talks of secession over the outcome of the election. Many celebrities are speaking out against Trump, and pushing for the Electoral College to change their electoral votes in favor of Hillary Clinton. President Obama has shockingly told protesters to not go quietly. It is clear that the Left is having a very difficult time getting it together and coping with the election results.

Mainstream media outlets have been warning against fake news being circulated, however they are constantly guilty of the same. We all know how tightly knit the globalists are with the mainstream media outlets. It seems that they are constantly dishing out news that will increase racial tensions and further tilt the nation towards civil war. The mainstream media’s leftist interpretations of events are being deemed real news, while all news articles that see things in contrast are being labeled fake news. Facebook has just announced they have joined the fight against fake news and plans to make changes to its algorithms. One thing that is all too real, is the possibility of civil war.
