Paul Craig Roberts calls America’s “War on Terror” a hoax


Paul Craig Roberts had his teeth and nails sharpened when he lambasted the government once again in his column.

He calls the “war on terror” a hoax. He says the lawmakers comprise and spearhead the factory of deception. Washington has played with the minds of the gullible and too trusting Americans – which easily leads to the government’s betrayal of its citizens.

The consequences of these manufactured lies by the US government has placed the American people in a bad light. These acts of betrayal has also affected millions of lives all over the world. People from Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine have been displaced, terrorized or killed.

Roberts was also critical towards Washington’s vassals on European soil who are causing social and political discord and participating in various war crimes in at least eight different countries. The effects of Washington’s illegal, evil and vicious actions to the people of these countries are considered to be irreparable.

He also criticized the media for being biased with its own predetermined views, calling newspapers “useless” and saying the people from Fox News, CNN, and NPR are “lying for a living.” It’s true, from The Associated Press and Reuters to The Washington Post and the LA Times, most of America’s mainstream media is either directly or indirectly controlled by the government or corporations seeking to increase their profits, without a second thought for journalism ethics. Click here to learn about real news for free-thinking people from independent media sources.

The article ended with theories and questions thrown towards the Bush Administration regarding the events surrounding the events of 9/11.

Do you believe there is truth behind these accusations by Paul Craig Roberts? What do you think?
