CDC: Era of antibiotics at an end as bacteria outsmart drug companies


Antibiotics have been used for the last seventy years or so to help treat patients suffering from infectious diseases. Unfortunately, the widespread use of prescription antibiotics has now led to the development of stronger, more resilient bacteria and antibiotic resistance. The CDC has reported that antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections have resulted in an average of 2 million infections and 23,000 deaths in America alone each year — and the organization itself has said that this is a conservative estimate.

In a 2013 report, the CDC all but confessed to the failure of modern medicine in its treatment of infectious disease. In the wake of the antibiotic era lies but one thing: Alternative medicine.

Alternative medicine may be all that is left to treat these “superbugs” when the population of bacteria that are immune to even the most potent antibiotics skyrockets. In May, the first case in the United States of a bacterial infection resistant to the “last resort” antibiotic drug colistin was reported. Naturally, this is a very shocking and disturbing occurrence, as it means that the time where last line of defense is no longer be sufficient may be coming very soon. Use of antibiotics in livestock and overprescription have contributed to the development of antibiotic resistance. Up to 50% of prescribed antibiotics are unnecessary or incorrect, only making the problem worse.

Few drug manufacturers have spent any time developing new antibiotics. Why would they, when they can spend time on making drugs for cancer and rare diseases that have a much higher price point? Reuters reports that in January, many top drug manufacturers and diagnostic companies signed a declaration demanding new incentives from the government for investing and producing new drugs to combat these new, resistant bacterial strains. Now, “incentives” can mean many, many things but there is really only thing Big Pharma wants, and that’s your money. In one way or another, these companies are essentially going to be using American tax payer dollars to create new antibiotics, and then sell them to us for a profit!

Fortunately, there are still many natural preventatives and remedies to rely on to help combat infections. Silver, aloe vera, garlic, copper and traditional Chinese medicinal herbs have long been recognized in the alternative and natural medicine community.

